Health records are strictly confidential and information is only passed on with your consent, within the confines of the NHS or by law. Some details are held on computer and the practice is registered under the Data Protection Act. All staff are bound by strict rules of confidentiality.
Access To Patient Information
We have a computer system on which patient’s recent records are held. The system has been accredited on behalf of the Secretary of State in accordance with “General Medical Practice Computer Systems – Requirements for Accreditation – RFA99” published by the NHS Information Authority. We also hold paper patient records for earlier notes and for all letters/results etc that are received by the practice. We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998.
A patient is entitled to see or request (in writing) a hard copy of any information we hold concerning their own or their dependent’s health, however we regret that it is necessary to charge a fee for providing a copy. Information contained within a patient’s notes will not be disclosed to parties not responsible for provision of their healthcare without the patient’s consent, except where there is a robust legal basis. Anonymised details (patient’s name not identified) can be used for the wider functions of the NHS to support their healthcare, such as for auditing by the PCT, or in the case of complaint’s etc.